Introduction | Silent Hill | Part III
Unfortunately, the majority of the drug, pill and poisoning (primarily plutonium poisoning) problems in the U.S. stem from a "deal" made at a 1991 Grateful Dead concert in Oakland, California. The "Deal" was arranaged so that whoever wanted to sign up did so, and in return, they ripped out a small child's heart and kept it in a plutonium-based solution in Welch, West Virginia. This was called their Heart Temple, run mostly by the Cali Cartel, the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood and a Catholic priest in charge.
When they wanted to fulfill their drug order(s), the Cali Cartel pulled the heart out of its solution in a sackcloth and dumped the liquid into their narcotics (including what they called "iced coke") and pills. It turned out that what they called "iced coke" wasn't. It was a form of fossilized coral, a naturally occuring substance found in ancient layers of ocean substrate. However, no one who used it knew what it was and they all believed it was a party drug they got for their Deal sign up. Those who paid were charged $400,000 annually, and a lot of teenagers had their parents pay for it. Some received it in the form of a brick, melted it in their ovens and ate it from their dinner table. Others received it in the form of capsules and called it their "pill caps." Others smoked it, ate it or grated it with a cheese grater and called it "soapstone."
The only known legal or legitimate use for fossilized coral is to treat people who have problems with androgyny - something that has been known for centuries. Even this known use only recommends a liquid tablespoon or two (swallowed), and not much more. So where did we go wrong?
In the United States, the problem seems to have originated primarly in Welch, West Virginia and a meteor that landed there around 1700 AD. The meteor landed on top of a layer of fossilized coral and left a liquid layer of plutonium in its path. The meteor itself rolled in an upside down and backwards "L" shape and stopped on the ancient nest of a Tyrannosaurus rex - their former "Heart Temple." None of this was ever reported, and the first "visitors" to arrive after the meteor landed left their campfire burning and this caused the plutonium field to drip into a would-be mine shaft that people eventually started drinking from.
In the mid 20th Century, it was called "Coal Camp," but they were never really mining coal. They were digging for fossilized coral and any available plutonium drip. They tried burning fossilized coral to power a steam engine, but that didn't work either! In the 1970s, Joe Biden (then called "Joe Walsh") established an Agnostic cult and a plutonium sign-up he gave to whoever showed up (but only after he spit in the plutonium). He claimed plutonium was his "power source" or "spice of life."
It turns out that plutonium does have a known, legal, legitimate use as well - it can be used as a treatment for "alternative" male sexuality (bisexuality, queer sexuality, homosexuality) and taken a few drops at a time by anus or under the tongue. However, most never signed up legally at the Welch courthouse and went instead to Joe Walsh in his stone temple.