Part X | The Paisley Carousel | The Gates of Horn & Ivory
The fortune-teller peered carefully into her crystal ball and saw two young people approaching the Gates of Horn and Ivory [1]. She wondered who they were and where they had come from.
“I wonder if these young people understand what they are doing? Perhaps we should send someone to meet them.”
The fortune-teller stood up and started to write a note to her friend who lived near the Gates, hoping that she might be able to reach him in time. She dripped wax on the back of the envelope and firmly stamped her seal in place. Then she left for town to deliver the message.
The next morning found Eshe, the village librarian reading an invitation with a group of schoolchildren.
“What does it say?” Eshe squatted down so she could see the note.
The young girl replied, "I'm not sure, but I think it's an invitation to a marriage ceremony!"
"Oh! How exciting!" Eshe exclaimed, "Are we invited?"
The girl continued reading the note, "It says our village may attend if we agree to host an Ancient Norse Goddess of the Sea!"
"Oh my!" Eshe exclaimed again. "What do we need to do to prepare?"
"It doesn't say." Just then, a small coin fell out of the envelope and onto the dusty floor next to the girl's small, brown, feet.
"Wait Eshe! Look!" The girl held up the coin so Eshe could see.
"Oh my!" Eshe exclaimed again and peered closely at the small coin. "That must be her! That must be the Sea Goddess!"
The older boy grabbed the invitation packet and started reading carefully,
"It says here we need to take the coin into town and show it to the Elder Council. Otherwise, they will not let us host the Sea Goddess and attend the Ceremony."
Eshe cleaned the lenses of her reading glasses with a small cloth.
"Why doesn't everyone put their shoes on, and we'll take the coin and the invitation to the Elder Council? Sound good?"
"Yes, Eshe!" The children responded in unison.
[1] The Gates of Horn and Ivory
[2] Art courtesy of Midjourney AI
[3] Norse Sea Goddess "Ran" info